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Academic Career

Clinical Psychologist/Associate Professor/



Education & Professional Appointments




PhD (2012) University of Iowa, Clinical Psychology (APA accredited)

                    Dissertation Defended: June 2012

MA (2009)  University of Iowa, Clinical Psychology (APA accredited)

                    Master’s Defended: May 2009

BA (2006)   Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey (New Brunswick), Psychology



2012-2013   Clinical Psychology Postdoctoral Fellowship

                    Northwestern University

2011-2012   Clinical Psychology Internship

                    Northwestern University 



Academic Appointments:

2013           Assistant Professor, Northwestern University, Feinberg School of Medicine, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences  

2022          Associate Professor, Northwestern University, Feinberg School of Medicine, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences

Hospital Appointments: 

2013            Northwestern Medicine, Clinical Psychologist

2016            Lurie Children’s Hospital, Faculty in the Allied Health Professional Staff in Psychiatry


Fisher, S. D., Wisner, K. L., Clark, C. T., Sit, D. K., Luther, J. F., Wisniewski, S. (2016). Factors associated with onset timing, symptoms, and severity of depression identified in the postpartum period. Journal of Affective Disorders. 28, 111-120. doi: 10.1016/j.jad.2016.05.063

Fisher, S.D. (2016). Paternal mental health. American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine,  doi: 10.1177/ 1559827616629895

Fisher, S. D. & Garfield, C. (2016). Opportunities to detect and manage perinatal depression in men. American Family Physician. In press.

Fisher, S. D., Brock, R. L., O’Hara, M. W., Kopelman, R., Stuart, S. (2015). Longitudinal contribution of maternal and paternal depression to toddler behaviors: Interparental conflict and later depression as mediators. Couple and Family Psychology: Research and Practice, 4, 61. 

Conviser, J. H., Fisher, S. D., Mitchell, K. B., Roth, A., & Munisamy, G. (2014). Post-purging oral care behavior in a sample of women with bulimia. The Journal of the American Dental Association, 145, 352-354. doi: 10.14219/jada.2014.5

Segre, L., O’Hara, M. W., & Fisher, S. D. (2013). Recipients’ views of technical assistance consultations on perinatal depression screening. Community Mental Health Journal, 49, 407-411. doi: 10.1007/s10597-012-9508-z


Fisher, S. D., Kopelman, R., O’Hara, M. W. (2012). Partner-report of paternal depression using the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale – Partner. Archives for Women’s Mental Health, 15, 283 – 288. doi: 10.1007/s00737-012-0282-2

O’Hara, M. W. & Fisher, S. D. (2010). Psychopathological states in the father and their impact on parenting. In S. Tyano, M Keren, H. Herrman, & J. Cox (Eds.), Parenthood and mental health: A bridge between infant and adult psychiatry. (pp. 231 – 240).  Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons.

Journal and Grant Reviewing

Ad hoc reviewer for Journal of Affective Disorders, Archives of Women’s Mental Health, Development and Psychopathology, Psychoneuroendocrinology, International Journal of Eating Disorders, Scandinavian Journal of Public Health


Grant reviewer for United States Department of Health and Human Services, 2014, 2015


Invited Talks

2016             Maternal and Paternal Perinatal Depression

                     Presence Health, Saint Mary and Elizabeth, Grand Rounds

2016             The Impact of Mother and Father Perinatal Depression on the Family and Infant Health

                     Updates in Perinatal Depression, Allegheny Health Network, Pittsburgh

2016             Parenting of Young Girls and Retention in STEM

                     We Design Think; 50 Action 50, GEMS World Academy

2015             Psychotherapy with Individuals of African Descent

                     Course: Professional Foundations Seminar: Individual and Cultural Diversity, Northwestern University,

                     Clinical Psychology Internship program                                          

2015             Asher Center for the Study & Treatment of Depressive Disorders

                     Women’s Health Research Institute Conference

2015             Perinatal Mental Health Case Presentation

                     Women’s Health Research Institute Conference      

2014-2016    Acceptance and Commitment Therapy

                     Course: Advanced Psychotherapy, Northwestern University, Clinical Psychology PhD program, Yearly     

2014             Acceptance and Commitment Therapy

                     Course: Psychotherapy, Northwestern University, Clinical Psychology Internship, Psychiatry

                     Resident, and Social Work Internship programs                                         

2013             Acceptance and Commitment Therapy

                     Course: Psychotherapy, Northwestern University, Clinical Psychology Internship, Psychiatry

                     Resident, and Social Work Internship programs                                         

2009            Child Externalizing Behaviors

                     Course: Abnormal Psychology, University of Iowa

Recent Conference Presentations

2015             Development of a Study on Parental Mood and Quality of Caretaking on Health of                                    Infants with Cystic Fibrosis, oral presentation, Perinatal Mental Health Conference

2014             Fathers’ Matter from the Beginning: The Longitudinal Contribution of Paternal and                                Maternal Postnatal Depression to Toddler Mental Health, oral presentation,

                     International Marce Society Biennial Scientific Conference

2013             Early Postpartum Paternal Mood Disorder Predicts Future Fathering Behaviors and                              Child Behavior Problems, NICHD Paternal Involvement in Pregnancy Outcomes

                     from Preconception to First Year of Life meeting, New Investigators Poster Presentation

2013             Applications for a Harm Reduction Model for Co-Occurring Eating and Substance                                    Abuse Disorders, oral presentation, Binge Eating Disorder Association

2012             Harm Reduction Model for Eating Disorder and Substance Abuse, oral presentation,                                    Academy for Eating Disorders

2012             Impact of Interparental Conflict on Adolescent Psychopathology, oral presentation,                                      Northwestern University Psychiatry Grand Rounds

Current Grant Awards


Cystic Fibrosis Foundation (Savant)                          01/01/16-12/31/18                                                24 calendar    

Implementation of the Depression and Anxiety Guidelines                                                  

The project focuses on the implementation of depression and anxiety screening for parents of children with cystic fibrosis in care centers.  The center includes a multidisciplinary team to provide screening and referrals, and collect data on the implementation of the foundation’s guidelines.

Role: Study Psychologist and Data Manager


Dixon Translational Research Grant (Fisher)           01/01/15-12/31/16                                                 24 calendar

Dual Parental Psychobiology Affects Parenting, Infant Stress, and Parental Mood

The long-term goal is to develop an integrated research plan examining both parents simultaneously to conduct a comparable concurrent investigation of their biopsychosocial experience in relation to parent-infant interactions and infant outcomes

Professional Organizations


2016-            APA Division 12 Diversity Committee, Committee Member

2016-            Women’s Health Research Institute, Board Member

Professional Societies


2013-            International Marce Society for Perinatal Mental Health, Member

2011-            American Psychological Association, Member

2011-            Association for Contextual Behavioral Science, Member


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