About Me

I am an Associate Professor at Northwestern University, with a research specialization in understanding mothers and fathers unique contributions to the family and child health. My desire is to build health, equality, and strength in the family.
I started my training at the University of Iowa where I received my doctorate degree in clinical psychology. I completed my internship and postdoctorate at Northwestern University, followed by joining the faculty for a research and clinical position. As an Associate Professor at Northwestern University, I conduct research on mood disorders in mothers and fathers during the perinatal period to examine the effects of psychosocial stress on parent's mood, parenting, and ultimately infant/child health outcomes. As an academic, I publish articles and give presentations on my perinatal research. As a clinician, I have two areas of specialty: perinatal mental health in mothers and fathers, and performance optimization for individuals in high-pressure professions. My pursuits have expanded to giving speeches, consulting on projects, writing OpEds, and media interviews on various topics including, but not limited to, father involvement in the family, gender equality in parenting roles, effective parenting behaviors, and stress management skills to optimize performance.
Most importantly, I am a father of my bold and spirited daughter, Reina Valentina. I have always wanted to be a father since a was young and being a father to her is more than I could have imagined.